Water Meter Actaris

Water meter / meter air adalah suatu alat ukur yang di gunakan untuk mengukur laju air serta volume air pada jaringan perpipaan untuk melayani pemakai baik perorangan ataupun perusahaan dengan memperhatikan aspek teknis dan non teknis , sehingga masyarakat atau perusahaan dapat dengan mudah memperoleh air dalam jumlah tertentu, kualitas sesuai dengan persyaratan air bagi kesehatan ataupun sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.


Descirption Horizontal woltmann water meter Actaris Woltex

Horizontal Woltmann meter for water distribution applications Water Meter Actaris

The Woltex is ideally suited for water distribution networks and wherever water must be metered with accuracy and reliability.
It is available in sizes DN 50 to 500.

Wide Measuring Range
The metrological performances of Woltex far exceed ISO/EEC Class B standards.
Significant endurance capacities are ensuring accurate and reliable metering in
time in a large scope of applications, such as water distribution networks, bulk billing, process control. Jual Watermeter Actaris Woltex

Endurance and Peak Flow Resistance Woltex performances are the result of more than twenty years experience in Horizontal Woltmann design, from the first hydrodynamically balanced helix patent in 1985 still resulting in unmatched endurance capabilities, to the use of high quality materials

Tipe Water Meter ACtaris :

a. Woltex
b. Woltmag
c. Multimag
d. Flodis
e. Flo star

Special Feature Meter Air Actaris woltex

Merk : Actaris
Model : Multimag TM & Woltex Matrial : Cast iron & Brass
Size : DN 15 mm – 300 mm
Starting Flowrate 0,25 M3/h
Starting Flow Rate : 0.3 m3/h
Accuracy (+/-) 2% From : 1.2 m3/h
Accuracy (+/-) 5% :From 10.75 m3/h
Admissible Peak Flow (10Max) :250 m3/h
Max. Admissible Flow Rate (Continuous) : 120 m3/h
Head Loss At QMax : 0.55 Bar
Max. Admissible Temperature : 50 Drajat Celcius
Max. Admissible Pressure : 20 Bar
Min. Scale Interval : 0.2 L
Indicating Range : 999999.99

EEC Approval Values Meter Air Actaris:

Class : B All Positions
Nominal Flow Rate Qn : 40 – 60 m3/h
Max. Flow Rate Qmax : 120 m3/h
Accuracy (+/-) 2% Class B: Qt From : 8 m3/h
Accuracy (+/-) 5% Class B: Qmin From : 1.2 m3/h
Max. Working Pressure : 20 Bar
Max. Temperature : 30 Drajat Celcius


Water Meter ITRON

Flow Meter Actaris


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